
Kondisyon Bisikletleri kaufen bei Europas Nr. 1 für Heimfitness

Trainieren Sie Ihre Fitness und verbessern Sie Ihre Kondition.
  • #1
    7 Bewertungen
    Auf Lager
    1x ausgezeichnet
    The Darwin exercise bike HT40 is a stylish beginners model with a very good price-performance ratio. Thanks to an easy operation and diversified programmes, training is fun and very effective.
    UVP 599,00 -16%
    Jetzt 499,00
    • Darwin exercise bike HT40 Auszeichnungen
    • Equipment
    • Ergonomics
    • Concentric run
    • Stability
  • #2
    4 Bewertungen
    Auf Lager
    The Darwin upright bike HT30 is an affordable option for the occasional fitness training at home. Being equipped with a comfortable saddle and being easy to operate, it allows a quick start of the training.
    UVP 449,00 -11%
    Jetzt 399,00
    • Equipment
    • Ergonomics
    • Concentric run
    • Stability
  • #3
    14 Bewertungen
    Auf Lager
    The Duke Fitness X-Bike XB30 makes training at home very easy. The X-Bike is quickly assembled, easy to use and very quiet.
    UVP 249,00 -20%
    Jetzt 199,00
    • Equipment
    • Ergonomics
    • Concentric run
    • Stability
  • #4
    4 Bewertungen
    Auf Lager
    The Kettler Axos Avior M exercise bike is very suitable for entry into the world of sports or endurance training. The Avior M offers you an easy as well as effective workout from home. In addition, the exercise bike is very compact and on the spacious LCD console you always have the most important training parameters in view. To measure heart rate, you can conveniently use the built-in hand pulse sensors.
    Ausstellungsstück Ab 339,00
    • Equipment
    • Ergonomics
    • Concentric run
    • Stability
  • #5
    6 Bewertungen
    Auf Lager
    The Duke Fitness exercise bike XB40 is a great fitness device for anyone, young or old, who wants to keep fit with a light workout that is easy on their joints. The X-Bike is particularly space-saving and quiet – watch your favourite film as you exercise.
    UVP 299,00 -16%
    Jetzt 249,00
    Ausstellungsstück Ab 215,00
    • Equipment
    • Ergonomics
    • Concentric run
    • Stability
  • #6
    8 Bewertungen
    Auf Lager
    3x ausgezeichnet
    The Taurus Ergo-X offers everything: an extreme stability, a training for the whole body as well as a training intensity for beginners and top athletes likewise. Thanks to the pre-installed interval programmes, the training with the Ergo-X can result in a condiserable success within a minimum of time!
    UVP 1.699,00 -11%
    Jetzt 1.499,00
    • Taurus Ergo-X Auszeichnungen
    • Taurus Ergo-X Auszeichnungen
    • Taurus Ergo-X Auszeichnungen
    • Equipment
    • Ergonomics
    • Concentric run
    • Stability
  • #7
    7 Bewertungen
    Auf Lager
    The Schwinn 510U Home Trainer an ideal fitness device for occasional sports units within your own four walls. With its 13 different programmes and 16 resistance levels, which can easily be set via the user-friendly console, this offers a good selection for a varied workout.
    UVP 549,00 -28%
    Jetzt 395,00
    • Equipment
    • Ergonomics
    • Concentric run
    • Stability
  • #8
    2 Bewertungen
    Auf Lager
    The Assault Air Bike Elite features a sturdy steel body and quality components. It is one of the most hard-wearing bikes on the market. The Elite AirBike is a development level of the AirBikes and offers the user a huge range of training options. Work out to your absolute limit and beyond - the Assault Air Bike Elite.
    UVP 1.699,00
    Jetzt 1.549,00
    • Equipment
    • Ergonomics
    • Concentric run
    • Stability
  • 6 Bewertungen
    Auf Lager
    Discover one of the most high-quality, most loadable air resistance bikes on the market! Being perfectly suitable for cardio and cross training sessions, the Assault AirBike convinces as whole body training machine of the highest level, which makes your muscles burn. It is the perfect combination of an elliptical cross trainer and a bike upright bike.
    UVP 999,00
    Jetzt 980,49
    • Equipment
    • Ergonomics
    • Concentric run
    • Stability
  • Lieferbar ab KW 19
    The Assault AirBike Pro X Belt Drive is the first Assault Bike with belt drive and is characterised by quiet operation with the usual high intensity.
    • Equipment
    • Ergonomics
    • Concentric run
    • Stability
  • 5 Bewertungen
    Auf Lager
    2x ausgezeichnet
    We would like to introduce the cardiostrong Mini Elliptical Trainer: the perfect solution for anyone who wants to stay active even while sitting down. This innovative trainer allows you to work out your legs and bum while working, watching TV or simply relaxing at home, and therefore also help give you a flatter stomach.
    UVP 249,00 -20%
    Jetzt 199,00
    • cardiostrong Mini Elliptical Trainer Auszeichnungen
    • cardiostrong Mini Elliptical Trainer Auszeichnungen
  • 5 Bewertungen
    Auf Lager
    • manuelles Magnetbremssystem
    • Schwungmasse: 6 kg
    • Anzeige der Trainingsprofile mit LCD
    • Herzfrequenzmessung: Handpulssensoren
    • Equipment
    • Ergonomics
    • Concentric run
    • Stability
Sport-Tiedje prüft jedes Fitnessgerät auf Herz und Nieren. Anschließend bewertet unser Team, bestehend aus Sportwissenschaftlern, Leistungssportlern und Service-Technikern mit langjährigen Erfahrungen, die Artikel in unterschiedlichen Kategorien. Mit dem Sport-Tiedje-Testurteil können Sie die Produkte leicht miteinander vergleichen und so das richtige Gerät für Ihr Training finden.
Kondisyon bisikletleri ve ergometre bisikletleri ev için klasik antreman aletleri altýnda yer alýyorlar. Yuvarlak hareket akýþý eklemlere özen göstermekte ve dizleri mesela bunu koþmanýn yaptýðýndan daha az zorlamakta. Kondisyon bisikletleri herkes için iyi bir kalp dolaþým antremaný sunmakta.

Kondisyon bisikletlerin karþýsýnda ergometre bisikletleri elektronik ayarlanýyorlar ve hassa bir yük yönetimi ve yüksek bir gösterge doðruluðu sayesinde ödülleniyorlar. Ergometre bisikletleri Ergometre bisikletleri nasyonal ve avrupalý DIN EN 957-1/5 normuna göre antremaný yapanýn pedal etkinliðini vat olarak vermeye mecburlar, kondisyon bisikletleri sadece bir yük kademesini göstertebilirler. Bu yüksek
doðruluk talebi yüzünden ergometre bisikletleri terapotik alanlar için bile uygunlar.
Vat avansýna uymaya mecbur olmayanlar ve sadece biraz hareket ve biraz kalp- dolaþým sistemine birþeyler yapmak isteyenler için bir kondisyon bisikleti yeterlidir. Ergometre bisikletleri doktordan verilen verim avanslarý ile reha antremaný yapmak isteyenler için hem de antremaný yapanýn verim deðerlendirme isteði olanlar için uygundur.

Her spor aletinde olduðu gibi, ergometre bisikletlerinde bile çok çeþitli donatým farklarý var:

Fren Sistemi:
  • Band Fren Sistemi: Çark kullanýmda sentetik maddeden olan bir banddan frenlenmekte. Bu ses üretmekte ve þarta baðlý çarkýn düzgünsüz bir gidiþine sebep oluyor.
  • Manyetik Fren Sistemi: Çark mýknatýslar sayesinde frenlenmekte. Çark ve fren sisteminin arasýnda temas olmadýðý için, (nerdeyse) hiçbir ses ve çarkýn yuvarlak bir gidiþi üretilmekte.
  • Pabuç Fren Sistemi: bisikletten bilinen fren sistemi.
  • Elektronik Anafor Akým Fren Sistemi: Tam elektronik anafor akým fren sistemi bilgisayar kotrollü ve devir sayýsý baðýmsýz pedal etkinliðini ayarlýyor. Yük diðer fren sistemlerine göre daha doðru üretilmekte. Elektrikli anafor akým fren sistemi ayný manyetik fren sistemi gibi sessiz.
Tahrik: Kayýþla tahrik bisiklette kullanýlan zincire göre daha düzgün.

Antreman Bilgisayarý: Çýkan fiyat ile fonksiyonlarýn kapsamýda artýyor. Ýyi aletler kayde edili antreman programlarý sunmakta.

Çark Kütlesi: Genelde geçerli olan: çark kütlesi ne kadar büyük olursa, aletin akýþýda o kadar düzenli ve sakin oluyor. Tunturi T-Serisi ve Daum-Ergobikes Ergometre Bisikletleri bundan hariç, çünkü bu bisikletler çark kütlelerinin yüksek devir hýzý yüzünden, çark kütlesinin az olmasýna raðmen net bir yuvarlak akýþa ulaþýyorlar.
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