Curveplate Set

Nº Art. AC-Curveplate
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  • Entrega Express
  • Set Curveplate: ingeniosos accesorios para bicicletas de interior, ergómetros y bicicletas estáticas
  • Simula el movimiento de una bicicleta en la carretera
  • Para entrenamientos de ciclismo más exigentes y variados
  • Entrenamiento del tronco: trabaja una gran variedad de grupos musculares adicionales
  • Calidad y seguridad: Curveplate consta de con dos placas de plástico reforzado con fibra de vidrio muy resistentes
  • Sometido a pruebas de estabilidad
  • Construcción patentada
  • Adecuado para el entrenamiento en casa, en el gimnasio o en instalaciones deportivas, sanitarias y de rehabilitación
  • Zonas de entrenamiento de Curveplate:
    • Zona naranja, conducción normal: simulación de una conducción normal moviendo toda la bicicleta ligeramente hacia la izquierda o la derecha
    • Zona verde, pedaleo con balanceo: simulación de una etapa de montaña y curvas largas
    • Zona roja, curva cerrada: curvas largas con 9 grados de inclinación. Trabaja la musculatura lateral
  • Montaje sencillo con correas de velcro
  • Fabricado en Austria
  • Carga máxima de aprox. 240 kg
  • Dimensiones - Curveplate Set: (La) 82 cm x (An) 18.4 cm x (Al) 7.7 cm

Experience the revolution in indoor cycling training with the Curveplate Set – an ingenious accessory for indoor bikes, ergometers and exercise bikes. With this high-quality set, you can simulate the natural movements of a road bike and experience more challenging and varied workouts at home or in the gym.

What makes the Curveplate so special is its ingenious design, which also takes core training to a whole new level when cycling. The special shape and movability of the Curveplate works a variety of additional muscle groups and provides additional training impulses that enrich and intensify your workout.

Made from two very robust, glass-fibre-reinforced plastic plates, the Curveplate guarantees both high quality and safety. It has been intensively tested for resistance to tipping and can easily bear a maximum load of around 240 kg. It is therefore suitable for training at home, in a gym or in a sports, health or rehabilitation facility.

The Curveplate is also divided into three different training zones:
  • The orange zone allows you to simulate a normal ride by moving the entire bike slightly to the left or right.
  • The green zone is ideal for simulating a mountain stage and long bends – perfect for practising riding out of the saddle. This is particularly important, as riding out of the saddle helps you to use your power more efficiently and therefore maintain your stamina even on steep climbs or long rides.
  • The red zone is suitable for longer cornering with a 9-degree incline and works the lateral muscles more.

The Curveplate is very easy to fit using hook-and-loop fasteners. It is compact and space-saving with installation dimensions of 82 cm in length, 18.4 cm in width and 7.7 cm in height. Made in Austria, the Curveplate brings the authentic experience of road cycling right to your home or gym. Take your indoor cycling training to the next level with the Curveplate Set!

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5 personas consideraron útil esta reseña
Absolut zu empfehlen - es ermöglicht ein komplett anderes Trainingserlebnis. V.a. wenn man virtuell Strecken via bekannter App-Anbieter "fährt" fühlt es sich absolut realistisch an. Einzig das Verschieben des Indoor Bikes wird durch die Plates etwas erschwert.

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